ASVe, Avogaria di Comun, Miscellenea civile, Box 235, Fascicle 2, Unfoliated

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Transcription - Plain
[Francesco Roncali Marzer alla Verona's estimation of the goods deposited in the office by Tomaso Vertabiet:] 1 D.ti 3/ D.ti 2. 2 Z 16/ Z 10 3 Z 16/ Z 10 4 Z 21/ Z 18 5 Z 16/ Z 10 6 Z 16/ Z 10 7 Z 18/ Z 15 8 Z 12/ Z 9 9 Z 10/ Z 8 10 Z 13/ Z 9. [Francesco Scarpeta Marzer alli tre Moni's estimation:] 1 Z 8/ Z 8 2 Z 20/ Z 15 3 Z 23/ Z 16 4 Z 26/ Z 21 5 Z 20/ Z 15 6 Z 12/ Z 9 7 Z 14/ Z 11 8 Z 18/ Z 14 9 Z 18/ Z 14 10 Z 22/ Z 18
Gregorian Date Qualifier
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Notes for Dragoman Team
Notes: Mezadur died in 1652, left will w money to brother and churches of jerusalem and persia, leaving Bartaviet as his executor. now diverging claims for money. supplica by several armenian merchants to not give money to claimant. suggest cloth be sold to prevent its utter corruption. gvt invites several cloth sellers to estimate value of various pieces of cloth. [undated supplica, submitted on or before 8/7/1660] // On 8/18/1660, Francesco Roncali Marzer alla Verona gives an estimation of the goods deposited in the office by Tomaso Vertabiet: 1 D.ti 3/ D.ti 2. 2 Z 16/ Z 10 3 Z 16/ Z 10 4 Z 21/ Z 18 5 Z 16/ Z 10 6 Z 16/ Z 10 7 Z 18/ Z 15 8 Z 12/ Z 9 9 Z 10/ Z 8 10 Z 13/ Z 9. He isn't interested in buying the goods. On the same day [8/18/1660] Francesco Scarpeta Marzer alli tre Moni gives his estimation: 1 Z 8/ Z 8 2 Z 20/ Z 15 3 Z 23/ Z 16 4 Z 26/ Z 21 5 Z 20/ Z 15 6 Z 12/ Z 9 7 Z 14/ Z 11 8 Z 18/ Z 14 9 Z 18/ Z 14 10 Z 22/ Z 18
Gregorian Date (RAD)
Reformatting Quality
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[Francesco Roncali Marzer alla Verona's estimation of the goods deposited in the office by Tomaso Vertabiet:] 1 D.ti 3/ D.ti 2. 2 Z 16/ Z 10 3 Z 16/ Z 10 4 Z 21/ Z 18 5 Z 16/ Z 10 6 Z 16/ Z 10 7 Z 18/ Z 15 8 Z 12/ Z 9 9 Z 10/ Z 8 10 Z 13/ Z 9. [Francesco Scarpeta Marzer alli tre Moni's estimation:] 1 Z 8/ Z 8 2 Z 20/ Z 15 3 Z 23/ Z 16 4 Z 26/ Z 21 5 Z 20/ Z 15 6 Z 12/ Z 9 7 Z 14/ Z 11 8 Z 18/ Z 14 9 Z 18/ Z 14 10 Z 22/ Z 18